Oral Cavity & Pharynx Cancers in Illinois
70% of oral cavity cancer cases in Illinois are men.
- Fewer males (25%) than females (38%) are diagnosed at an early stage.
- Black men have a 25% lower rate of incidence but a 50% higher rate of death.
- People who live in rural areas have 15% higher rate of diagnosis and a 23% higher rate of death.
- Limit alcohol and tobacco use.
- Maintain a normal BMI.
- Have a healthy diet.
- Be mindful of sun exposure.
- Good oral health may lessen risk.
- Adopt habits that will strengthn your immune system.
* cancers of the hypopharynx, oropharynx, and nasopharynx
- Get vaccinated for HPV as recommended by your health provider.
- Limit alcohol and tobacco use.
- Good oral health may lessen risk.
- Have a healthy diet.
- Maintain a normal BMI.
- Overall, about 455 men and 73 women per 100,000 are diagnosed yearly.
- According to CDC, 70% of all oropharyngeal cancers in the United States are caused by HPV.
- About 62% of Illinois adolescents ages 13-15 are up to date with the HPV vaccinations.